Introducing SmileShield™

Introducing SmileShield™

At Dental Pro Store, we're continually seeking ways to enrich the array of solutions we provide to our dental community. We're excited to make our debut with SmileShield™, a groundbreaking innovation in periodontal health care brought to you through our connection with Humarian.

In the ever-evolving world of oral health care, it’s rare to find a product that is truly doing something new.

Oral health has made great strides over the past few decades, with baby boomers being the first generation where the majority of people will keep their natural teeth over the course of their lives.

However, there is still much room for improvement in oral health care, as a staggering number of adults continue to struggle with gum disease and untreated tooth decay. The statistics speak for themselves: nearly half of all adults aged 30 and older show signs of gum disease, and more than one in four adults have untreated cavities.

Enter SmileShield™

Your mouth contains over 700 different types of oral bacteria, making it the second largest area of the body in terms of microbiota diversity after the gut. Many of these bacterial strains are beneficial in some way, but some kinds of oral bacteria can cause great harm in the mouth and throughout the rest of the body.

That’s why the doctors at Humarian were beyond thrilled when the research team at EW Nutrition introduced them to SmileShield™ in 2019. They have been using it in Japan for over 20 years with great success, and now Humarian is bringing it to the US market.

Smile Shield is a revolutionary leap in dental care designed to reduce the prevalence of two of the most common and harmful oral bacteria, Streptococcus mutans (S. mutans) and P. gingivalis. Unlike mouthwashes, antibiotics, and other antibacterial solutions, Smile Shield does not affect any kinds of bacteria other than S. mutans and P. gingivalis, preventing negative side effects that can arise from broad-spectrum antibacterial solutions killing good and bad bacteria indiscriminately.


Smile Shield works through the implementation of IgY antibodies extracted from chicken yolks. Chickens are first immunized with specific antigens that mirror the S. mutans or P.gingivalis strains targeted for neutralization in the oral cavity.

After the immunization process, the chicken’s immune system responds by producing high concentrations of IgY antibodies which are deposited into the yolk of their eggs. The yolks are processed to extract the IgY antibodies when the eggs are harvested. This method leverages the natural immune response of chickens to produce a sustainable and ethical source of antibodies developed to specifically target S. mutans and P. gingivalis.

How do the IgY antibodies in Smile Guard work?

S. Mutans

S. mutans is one of the primary causes of cavity development. When S. mutans interacts with foods, particularly sugary or starch foods, it produces acid byproducts that can degrade tooth enamel and lead to cavities. One reason S. mutans is so detrimental to oral health is its ability to bind firmly to teeth. It creates these strong bonds by breaking down sugars from the foods we eat.

IgY antibodies in SmileShield™ combat this issue by binding directly to S. mutans bacteria. S. mutans bacteria that are bound by IgY are not able to form a direct bond to teeth. This is especially effective with IgY antibodies because they have larger and more constant domains compared to human IgG antibodies, leading to stronger antigen binding.

Smile Shield doesn’t attempt to kill harmful bacteria because it doesn’t have to. Without the ability to form strong bonds, S. mutans are washed out of the mouth and down the digestive tract when we eat, drink, or brush our teeth. If that all sounds really simple, that’s because it is.

These images, sourced from an independent third-party study, illustrate Smile Shield's efficacy in inhibiting the binding capability of S. mutans bacteria. In the image above, the vials display S. mutans bacteria stained blue, clearly adhering to the vial walls.

The results in this second image speak for themselves. When SmileShield™ is introduced,virtually no bacteria manage to adhere to the vials, showcasing Smile Guard's potent inhibitory effect on the bacteria's ability to bind and mirroring its protective action against dental surfaces.

Here’s a real-world example of human teeth:


The teeth in both rows have been stained with a dye to emphasize plaque formation caused by S. mutans. The first row features teeth with visible S. mutans adherence before the application of the Smile Shield lozenge.



The second row shows the same teeth after taking a SmileShield™ Lozenge. There is a noticeable decrease in visible S. mutans adherence. These images distinctly demonstrate the efficacy of Smile Shield in diminishing the prevalence of S.mutans and promoting a healthier oral microbiome.


P. gingivalis

P. gingivalis is a major bacterial culprit in periodontal disease, also known as gingivitis, periodontitis, or gum disease. Periodontal disease can lead to inflammation, bleeding, and gum recession. It is a leading cause of tooth loss and can compromise tooth and bone support. It has even been linked to health issues outside of the mouth like heart disease, diabetes, and rheumatoid arthritis.

Much like S. mutans, P. gingivalis is able to cause trouble because of its ability to bind to teeth and gums. It does this through the production of special proteolytic enzymes like gingipains. After binding to teeth, P. gingivalis can interact with other bacteria to form plaque, biofilms, and contribute to tooth decay. After binding to teeth and gums, P. gingivalis can directly attack gum cells, leading to inflammation, gum recession, destruction of the periodontal ligament and alveolar bone, structures that support the teeth, and more.


SmileShield™ combats P. gingivalis by neutralizing the proteins it uses to bind to teeth and gums. This greatly reduces P. gingivalis's ability to form plaque on teeth, damage gum cells, and cause gum line recession. Studies have demonstrated that P. gingivalis antibodies are effective at reducing P. gingivalis levels in the mouth, supporting improved oral health, reducing bleeding gums, and reducing plaque levels on teeth.

Those benefits alone are huge, but a third-party scientific study also demonstrated that some participants with recessed gum lines due to P. gingivalis had significantly improved gingival bleeding and pocket depth after scaling and root planing followed by daily Smile Shield use.

Can I take SmileShield™ as a substitute for brushing, flossing, or going to the dentist?

Absolutely not! The benefits of Smile Shield are extremely impressive, but it is very important to note that Smile Shield works best in tandem with good basic oral hygiene. Don’t think you can half your brushing frequency just because you start taking SmileShield™. We even have studies to show that dental cleanings combined with Smile Shield usage will improve gum health much more than cleaning alone.


This graph showcases the remarkable benefits of integrating Smile Shield with traditional dental care methods, such as scaling and root planing, over a period of 4 weeks. In comparison to the control group, which received only conventional treatment, the treatment group experienced significant improvements when Smile Shield was added to their regimen.

The results are compelling: a notable reduction in probing depth and bleeding on probing which highlights the preservation of supportive structures and the promotion of healthier gums. This data strongly suggests that Smile Shield enhances the efficacy of standard dental procedures, offering a superior solution for maintaining optimal oral health.




This graph illustrates Smile Shield's impact on reducing the prevalence of P. gingivalis at the gum line. Utilizing PCR testing for bacterial counts, the data reveals a dramatic decrease in bacterial counts after four weeks of using SmileShield™. The comparison with the control group that did not use Smile Shield is stark. This evidence firmly establishes Smile Shield as an effective solution for enhancing gum health and reducing bacterial levels in dental care.



So, just to recap, we now know that Smile Shield can reduce plaque levels, improve teeth and gum health, halt the progression of receding gum lines, and even help prevent the destruction of the periodontal ligament and the alveolar bone.

Smile Shield offers enhanced passive immunity, significantly reinforcing the body's natural defenses against oral pathogens. It also increases in effectiveness when paired with proper dental care and regular dental cleanings. Incorporating Smile Shield into routine dental practices ensures that people benefit from advanced immunological protection, leading to improved overall oral health.

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